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Dev255 - PS3 Controlled Arm - NoMet - 50

Arduino PS3 Arm control

June 2018


No more USB drivers led to a modification to this arm.


Now it is controlled by a PS3 controller through an Arduino Mega 2560.



Pololu PTZ Controller

February 2014


I needed a cheap controller for a Pan Tilt Zoom camera so I chose a Pololu Mini Maestro 24 Servo controller.


I programmed it to convert inputs to Pelco-D protocol and drive an LCD display.



Tent Solar Lighting

Tent Solar Lighting

Aug 2014


Just a 7Ah battery, 2 x 4W solar panels and some LED's to give our camping trip a techie feel.

QTC & PTFE Sensor

September 2013


An attempt at making my own 360 deg pressure sensor with QTC pills, it did work although needed a large threshold window.

Mini Maestro 24 to LCD

September 2013


I wondered if a servo controller could be programmed to display on an LCD display to show program info....


Turns out it can.



Camber & Toe Rig

With all the work required on my Vectra, I needed to make a rig for setting up the camber and toe.


This one did the job nicely although a little flimsy.

Saloon Doors

June 2013


Any good saloon needs a set of these. 



Horse Trough

June 2013


The WWW needs a horse trough.


Wild Wild West that is!


Milling Table

April 2012


Yes, I milled out the table legs on the floor. The reason for making the table.



Robot Hand V1.1

February 2012


An early attempt at machining robotic parts. This worked ok, although had too much wear and was a little heavy.



2 Storey Bird Table

May 2011


My first attempt at making a bird table.


I didn't own a milling machine at this time, just hand tools.

3D CAD First Attempt

April 2010


This was my first attempt at using Alibre Design, a 3D CAD package that has a good tutorial package. 




Fly Wheel

April 2010


Can you guess what this is used for?


The title may give it away if you were fishing for clues!


Modded Honey Bee King 

August 2008


I could just about fly this awesome machine, but the main reason for buying it was to see how it all worked.


I still have it, having crashed and re-built it several times.


One mod was to use the downwash to cool the speed controller.

Leaving Gift

September 2005


Before Microprocessors I used to design logic circuits to control outputs from inputs.


This is one of my circuits that controlled timed motor position and controlled its direction, activated by a switch.

PWM to Trailer Socket

September 2014


I bought a 12N trailer socket and some 7-core cable only to find the car uses Pulse Width Modulation to control the brake lights.


So I made a simple relay box to detect PWM and control separate relays.


Decking Table

May 2017


When you need a strong weather resistant garden table....


Make one out of decking.


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